Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's Okay Tuesday

Hey, it's okay Tuesday. Linking up to Whispering Writer. Here we go

It's okay that I got blamed for something at work that I didn't do. Later on in the day I proved my innocence. Vindicated bitches!

It's okay that I haven't really packed for my move out of the house this week. My friends (Grrouchie) have offered to help me.

It's okay that I'm a bag of mixed emotions about leaving the house. I'm sad, excited, fearful, grateful, hopeful and maybe a little bit smarter.

It's okay that I have a headache and toothache. In a few hours I will be drinking gin and tonic while playing videogames with my sweet. He's also agreed to let me bring my dogs over for the the sleepover.

It's okay that I have been eating a bunch of garbage the last few weeks. Soon I will be eating home cooked meals every day. My family is full of wonderful cooks not including myself.

Tomorrow is my dear Sister's birthday we will be celebrating at a Brazilian steakhouse. My Pop told me that I couldn't bring my sweet, family only.  It's okay since he works late anyway. He is buying her flowers. I'm touched that Grrouchie remembered and was kind enough to remind me. What a guy :)

Most of all my dogs' kisses make me feel that everything will be okay.

Friday, September 14, 2012

On the Road Again

I'm off to San Diego with my sweet. My nerves are acting up for various reason mainly I'm leaving my dogs in Grrouchie's care for the weekend. Which I can't thank him enough for. I trust him most of all but I hate leaving my baby.

This getaway is much needed by both of us. With all the nonsense at work lately anytime spent away from there is welcomed. Sadly my sweet needs this trip most. His father passed away on Sunday. We got the phone call while we were at the Planet Hollywood watching the Evil Dead musical in 4D. That's a blog post all on its own.

I asked new beau for permission to use his name and image on my slice of the internet. Long story short he gave me some bullshit about "whatever you think is best darling". I hate that crap. Over the next few days I'll feel it out then post accordingly.

One last thing, last night he did my nails! Now before you go on thinking he's some kind of Picasso with nail polish, these are nail polish strips that you stick on. Fancy stickers that last up to two weeks. Still he did a great job.

Okay okay one last thing. I'm letting my hair grow for some weddings I will be in. None of which are my own. Look see, I got good hair.

Love you all queerly.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Waking after midnight

It's past midnight on Wednesday morning. Work starts in less than four hours. Why in the world am I awake? My body hates me. To pass the time I called my beau who's on his way over to entertain me. Yeah that's what I call it.

Work lately has been overwhelming at very best. If you had walked into my office last week you would've found a sobbing shaking Carmel. These days there aren't many things that get under my skin but feeling totally incapable/inadequate is more than I can handle. This week I swallowed my pride marched into the boss's office and asked for help.  Hopefully things start to ease up a bit.

The trip to Big Bear was fantastic. The weather alone made the trip out of Las Vegas worthwhile. Here's a few pictures of my lovely family. Oh and checkout the other worldly sunset taken on the way back to Lost Wages.

Yesterday being Labor day all you folks with good jobs got an extra day off. Although I worked the day brought an added bonus for me, family dinner! It's a rarity that we all get together since the opening of the resturant which is going splendidly. To say that my family is amazing is an understatement. The are fucking amazing!

We were all together. I brought new beau along. He got to see us all on action for the first time. I could do entire post about the shenanigans alone. New beau was warmly accepted to both of our surprise. Actually they said he's their favorite so far! Sorry Grrouchie, you're still my favorite :)

It's now nearing 1am. I'll try to salvage some of this night with more sleep.

Love you all queerly!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Proof of Life

I'm alive and kicking. It has been a amazing whirlwind month.

As I type this I'm on my way to Big Bear lake in California. Upon my return it's off to the Grand Canyon with my new beau and a couple of Germans I've never met.

Here's a peek into what I have been doing rather than blogging.

Love you all queerly.


Lightning I emailed you my cellphone number.

Waffles my sweet I emailed you my boobs!