Hello ghouls and dolls!
Today I got a call from the Palms for a job. Considering that position would mean basically living in my car.There will be no time for sleep. It's so far from where I'll be living, damn it. If only the money weren't good.
My plans are leaning towards only one job and focusing on helping my family at the resturant. They wouldn't pay me or anything. It's just about showing my gratitude for putting up with me during the teenage years.
Another item under consideration, time and money allowing is becoming a notary. It's rather simple. The prerequisites include being a citizen, a resident of Nevada, no felony convictions and being honest. Check, check, check and check (mostly).
That would give me a legitimate reason to hangout at the office other than pizza. It's also an easy way to make money.
At this time all I know is, I'm tired.
Josie, I wish we could've had time to socialize. It was wonderful meeting you. God willing, in December we can finally fondle each other properly. You a such a doll.
Lightning, I am off tomorrow at 2pm. Would you like to have dinner?
Troy and Precious, you can't read or write or even speak but if you see this I miss you mutts. Friday we will frolic in the park. Play your cards right you'll get to eat cat poo.
Serge, what the fuck is going on with the house? BTW you need to wash behind your ears. Get those hairs in there while you're at it. Maybe Claudia can will help you.
A big part of me is looking forward to work. I actually missedit. Ok, I missed my friends. There's also the knowledge the longer I'm away the more crap there will be to clean up upon returning.
Look at Other Dad in his Menudazo shirt. This was Father's Day he's so silly. When I told him about the spider crawling up my leg he says, " Well sure it wanted to get in your pants. It knew you're a virgin."
The resturant is doing awesome. The Mexican Menudo from which the joint's name comes from takes 6-7 hours to cook. Therefore has to be made the day before. Saturday they made a batch of 200 serving. Sunday they sold out! Not bad for only three weeks and no advertising.
I must bid you all adieu. A certain black dog who likes to bite a certain ex's penis keeps pushing his toy onto my feet.