Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's Okay Tuesday

Hey, it's okay Tuesday. Linking up to Whispering Writer. Here we go

It's okay that I got blamed for something at work that I didn't do. Later on in the day I proved my innocence. Vindicated bitches!

It's okay that I haven't really packed for my move out of the house this week. My friends (Grrouchie) have offered to help me.

It's okay that I'm a bag of mixed emotions about leaving the house. I'm sad, excited, fearful, grateful, hopeful and maybe a little bit smarter.

It's okay that I have a headache and toothache. In a few hours I will be drinking gin and tonic while playing videogames with my sweet. He's also agreed to let me bring my dogs over for the the sleepover.

It's okay that I have been eating a bunch of garbage the last few weeks. Soon I will be eating home cooked meals every day. My family is full of wonderful cooks not including myself.

Tomorrow is my dear Sister's birthday we will be celebrating at a Brazilian steakhouse. My Pop told me that I couldn't bring my sweet, family only.  It's okay since he works late anyway. He is buying her flowers. I'm touched that Grrouchie remembered and was kind enough to remind me. What a guy :)

Most of all my dogs' kisses make me feel that everything will be okay.


  1. I'm also a bag of mixed emotions about actually moving back into the place honestly.

    I'm happy that my parents will have one final destination until I cremate them but the whole what was and what could have been part sucks...

    You live you learn I guess.

    also, stop being lazy and Pack :-p

    1. The more I pack the more I cry. I'm glad that you will be able to take care of your parents. I'm grategul that I had you in my life. You deserve the best I hope you have lots of great memories here.

  2. Most of all my dogs' kisses make me feel that everything will be okay.

    Dogs are the nuts, cats too.

    1. Hi Mojo. The furry family members have a way of putting things into perspective.

  3. Mmm, I eat a lot of garbage too at times.

    Good luck with the move!

    1. Thank you for stopping by I very much appreciate it.
