Thursday, May 24, 2012

El Menudazo and things

The time has finally come Menudazo will be opening in Saturday.The whole familywill be there doing their part. My photographer friend has agreed to come photograph the occasion. Hopefully I can pull it together and surprise the family with a website soon! Waffles read your email.

This is being typed on my phone while sitting on the toilet becuase I am out of paper with nothing to do at the moment. I decided to use a rarely visited bathroom without first making sure there was paper. This shit right here is why I hate living alone. If the dog had been trained for more than sitting!

I took the the day off from work for mental health reasons. It had nothing at all to do with a certain fellow Blogger ex-fiance. Nope nothing at all. 
Before heading home to play  through Lego Star Wars I went to breakfast with a couple friends. The Boulder Station's Grand Cafe has a Foursquare special. Buy an entree get one of equal or lesser value free with check in. Awesome! The food one the other hand was not. Bonus one of my boos is a bus person there added bonus he was working. So I got to see him for a while.

Food is not good
First stupid act of the day. There was a man wearing an ugly faded sherbet orange tank top with some ghastly to tight to short, shorts. He was walking towards my table on his way out, all manners left for at that very momnet. I looked at my friend and exclaimed loudly enough for him to hear, " His tits are bigger than yours. Don't feel bad that says more about him than you." He must have heard because he shot us the stink eye. 

As if that weren't bad enough. My friend who's a bus person there brought me a bottle of Cholula to mask the  bad stale hash brown taste. Did I mention the food sucked? I should have sent it back. Well I stuck the bottle into my dog purse (I carry my dog in it) and was walking out to pay when my friend recalls me back so one of his co-workers could my dog. After sufficient oh'ing and ah'ing at Troy, I turned to leave and the God damn bottle falls out and rolls two feet behind me! Of course I picked it up, smiled at everyone and put it back into the dog purse. In my defense the food sucked. Also I left the server a $10 tip on a $19 check so zip it.

The above was written on Tuesday. It is nowThursday.

I'm just about to leave work. Hope you all are having fantastic hair days! I'm off to the movies.

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