Sunday, May 13, 2012

She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes

I've been busy! Haven't seen my house or slept in my bed since Thursday. Good thing I left the mutt with loads of food and water.

The plan was to give ya'll a run down of what I have been up to the last few weeks but my family has decided to take a trip to Mount Charleston for a hike and picnic so the update must wait. Monday I'll be working both jobs. Maybe Tuesday I'll do this proper.

I have been watching Netflix on my phone whenever the chance appears. There's a great show that's caught my attention, Being Human. The original British version that is. Everything word I wrote today was in am English accent! Booyah!

I got a hair cut. People have either liked it or thought I had a horrible accident with scissors.



  1. I like your hair cut! You atre rocking those asymmetrical bangs.

    1. Thank you very much lovely lady! Boys have usually been confused and thought it was an accident. Girls have been liking it.

  2. Go home and give Troy some love and affection.

  3. "STOP taking everything I write so literal."

  4. Replies
    1. We have similar taste in entertainment. Cowboy Bebop :)

      There's so much out there that I want to watch but the question is finding time.

  5. p.s. Did you just call Grouchie a clown?

    1. Yes I did. Usually I call him "Playita." A playa is a beach. Playita is a little beach. Get it? We aren't allowed to use profanity in front of the children so we find creative ways to insult each other.
