Thursday, April 5, 2012

I got a feeling...

Ask me a question. I will answer it as truthful as possible. I got a feeling today is going to be an interesting day.


  1. I woke up feeling frolicsome. Interview went well, a friend will be moving in with me. Feeling mischievous to :)

  2. Everyone chickened out? Ok.. Here goes... Tell us (either in comments or a nice steamy post) what your favorite sexual thing is.. be it a position (missionary? LOL not likely!) an act (Good hard fuck, pussy licking), a type of sex (Bondage, something else weird my naive mind can not comprehend, Lesbian's, threesome?)... Make it good girl! :)

    1. Damn you Waffles! I did promise honesty... All of the above.

      I'm going to make it short because there's no way to not sound dirty.

      I'm NOT sexually conservative but have had mostly conservative partners so there's stuff I've wanted to try but have't had a chance like BDSM. I like it rough. I also do love the sweet slow stuff. It really depends on my mood.

      Surprisingly my favorite position is missionary for a reason I will not list here. It has nothing to do with looking in his eyes either :)

      One of the MOST interesting days of my life was the day a girl I was dating took me the Green Door. It's a swingers club. If I get drunk enough I might tell you about it.

  3. I actually have another question once my boner goes down and my brain gets back it's blood flow... hey I have a good imagination! What does "Hustler" in your profile as your job mean?

    1. I worked in a super competitive sales position. My clientele were building contractors, casinos, maintenance companies, government agencies. It was intense and demanding. For the most part I had no knowledge about the products they were asking me for but that NEVER stopped me. The first part of my hustle was to get them to trust me enough to get their business. Next I had to find out what they were looking for and IF I could get it. I had to sweet talk every one in every step to get my sale. I rocked! I'm not in that position anymore but I still hustle everyday.
