Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'll sleep when I'm dead

I'm a busy busy girl!

Got a call from the second job. I start next week. Rat bastards couldn't wait another week. See I already have plans.

I was going to LA tonight. Returning tomorrow.

This weekend I am fund raising for the local public radio station.

My Sister has decided to expand family time. In addition to Sunday dinner there will be a weekly volleyball game!! I'm very much looking forward to spiking the ball into my niece's face. Learn that kid some character. If you met her you'd understand...don't judge me...Grrouchie back me up.

Speaking of family time. The resturant, El Menudazo should be opening in three weeks. They said that three weeks ago but whatever. The City of N Las Vegas is being ridiculous with their demands before granting the license. They want blue prints, finger prints, the first born, etc. I was asked to put in 13-15 hours a week there :/

Sometimes I think I should've been a man. All I think about is money, sex, ass kicking, food and sex. Some of my favorite things to do involve violence. A bunch of my guy friends and me are organizing a trip to California to visit this place. Paintball war!! It will be epic. I wish there were more girls but they're all afraid of some pain and bruising!! Two of them are mothers, how they fuck can the sting of a paintball frighten you when you've popped an eight pound butterball through your snatch?!


  1. Have them offer up Jazz in lieu of the "first born" and you won't have to worry about violent Volley Ball

    40 hours at full time job
    lets just say 12 hours min at part time job
    15 hours at "family job"

    Yep - no free time in your foreseeable future

    1. More importantly, do you want to come paintballing with us? Bet you'd like the chance to shoot me in the face about as much I 'd love to shoot you.

    2. No
      I don't see the thrill in fake warfare, but thanks for the invite to go somewhere way away from home with a group of your friends who no doubt hate me and the threat of mindless violence involved.

    3. Whatever blood. I'm giving you a chance to go to California!! I'm going Marcus Pheonix on them. Edgar will be there. Besides my friends couldn't care less about you or us. By gones baby :)

  2. I'll be working 30 at the part time.

  3. If the restaurant is open in mid-June, it sounds like a destination!
