Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Up yours Barbie

What the fuck is wrong with people?! Most of my co-workers have their panties in a bunch because our supervisor was late this morning. In turn making us all late because only they have the key to the door and alarm code. We waited outside for 20 minutes! Not a hour not even half a hour, 20 minutes! In that time those stupid sheep called two other supervisors and the big cheese. It's 5 in the morning, Jesus Christ have some consideration!!! We aren't curing cancer here!!! Grrr!

I understand the principal of the matter, they expect us worker bees on time they should also be on time. In reality just because you get a title and some keys doesn't make you infallible! So retarded.

One more thing that is pissing me off today, girls that will not leave the house without makeup. Last night I dreamed of a co-worker who I've never seen without makeup. In the dream she finally showed me her natural face. Nothing wrong with it she's good looking. Happens that she is here this morning I mentioned it. She gasped , " That happened to me a few days ago! I lost my keys and had to get a ride so I didn't have time. It was the worst day of my life!"

Come on! Really? Worst day of your life??  It just bugs me because more often than not these are pretty girls who are so brainwashed thinking they have to look like the people on tv. Perfectly put together.

AND this horrified me the other day my 3 year old niece was playing with her Barbie and said "Tia, she's pretty. She's skinny. I'm not skinny." I'll be writing more on this later but til then I'm making a stand for normal girls. Fuck Barbie. Here's a picture of me with no makeup.


  1. I thought this was funny:

    Makeup is meh to me. It's like if you want to do it fine if not who cares.

  2. I agree with you Waffles. I don't care one way or another. It's not going to ruin my self image , either way I'm pretty :)

  3. Excellent post!!!! I always wear makeup to work although I usually go without on the weekend.

    You look great without makeup! Hmmm If I had balls like you, I'd post a picture of me with no make up on. Ugh - I'll consider it, only because you're so cool.

  4. The only time I have dir makeup is in the weekends. Mind you I wake up at 2:30 in order to be at work at 4 am. There's no fashion show at 4am! They're lucky if I even brush my hair!

  5. What a dumbass, that comment above, ugh. I need sleep!

  6. If makeup gives somebody confidence, I say good for them. You don't seem short on confidence, Carmel.

    As for Barbie being skinny, you know how I feel about that. Fuck Barbie, and her makers, and anyone who intentionally sets up unrealistic body images in anyone.

  7. I don't see why people are so upset.
    20 minutes isn't that long at all.
    In fact, by the time you get in you get to time adjust for the 20 minutes that you just spent bitching about NOT working since you did show on time.

    Not like they were going to be doing real work inside the store anyways.

    Also - the little one has the Power to be the most gorgeous girl in school both looks and personality wise - Barbie ain't got nothing on her.

    1. You should have seen these chicken heads!

      Of course yesterday was her birthday party and no one told me until two hours before :'(

  8. Carmel, I love your blog--great, honest observations! I know you're still fairly new to blogging, and I'm hoping you keep up with it. A lot of bloggers lose steam after a while. Keep up the good work!

    And, yes, people are basically nuts.

  9. nice idea.. thanks for sharing.
